I remember first time I saw Daehyun in One Shot music video and I even didn't know his name. I had eyes only for Yongguk. But then I watched B.A.P Killing Camp and Daehyun conquered my heart. ♥
Jung Dae Hyun

○ He is the closest to Youngjae.
○ He is left handed.
○ He kept playing rock, paper, scissors with Zelo and he got mad that he kept losing.
○ He faced knee injury after their debut and went to visit an orthopedic clinic and when the front clerk asked for his name, he said “We’re B.A.P! Yes sir!”
○ His respected singer is 4Men’s Shin Yongjae.
○ He speaks with a very heavy Busan dialect.
○ Daehyun said he doesn’t fight with his older brother often but when they do, they fight till it gets brutal, even having incidents where they’ve used their fists.
○ His ideal type of woman is someone like Shin Saimdang, Ha Jiwon and Lee Jia.
○ He’s also known as B.A.P.’s Hidden Card.
○ He was more popular with guys than girls, so that’s why he hung around a lot of guys.
○ He complained to his members about not having too much parts in MTV Ta-Dah! It’s B.A.P.
○ He shares the same bottom bunk beds with Zelo and Youngjae.
○ Each of them has their respective chores, and Daehyun cleans the restroom.
○ If B.A.P were a family, he’d be the oldest son.
○ Daehyun said he’s closest to Yongguk, not Youngjae, but if he's left alone together with Yongguk he's awkward.
○ Saturi [T/N: Korean dialect, in Daehyun’s case, Busan saturi] pops up often for Daehyun even at their dorm, so he sometimes calls Jongup “Moon Jongup~ee~” opposed to just “Jongup.”
○ He kept playing rock, paper, scissors with Zelo and he got mad that he kept losing.
○ He made fun of Jongup for having no lines and Jongup got angry.
○ He joined TS Entertainment in the summer of 2011. He was the last one added to the group and trained for roughly six months before he made his debut with B.A.P.
○ His dream of becoming a singer grew when he was younger while watching DBSK.
○ He sleeps with three blankets because he likes to be comfortable. Jongup accused him of stealing his blankets and the group says Daehyun doesn’t wash them.
○ He cried recording “All Lies.”
○ His face is really small in real life.

○ He always wakes up the earliest, therefore he has to wake up the other members.
○ If he could have a supernatural power it would be invisibility. He wants to become an invisible man and kick his members to wake them up because they never wake up.
○ He always carries a scarf with him to protect his throat.
○ He enjoys watching Yoo Heeyeol’s Sketchbook.
○ He tried imitating Zelo’s LTE rap and left the room because it annoyed him that he couldn’t do it and his tongue kept getting tied.
○ When Daehyun or Youngjae would be off-key, they’d slap each other so that they can prevent from going off-key.
○ He’s scared of amusement park rides.
○ He knows how to draw caricatures well.
○ A fan was taking a video of him at a fan signing and he kept posing with a victory sign. Then he asked the fan, “How much longer do I have to stay like this?” when he saw the fan still holding her camera. So the fan told him, “Ah..this is a video” and he responded back, “Ah”.
○ He confessed he once dated a girl for only 20 days. (Beatles Code 2)
○ When Daehyun first met Himchan and Yongguk he thought: ''Wow, the people I see on TV are here!''
○ He was born in Gwangju.
○ He likes to bully and tease the maknaes a lot.

○ Yongguk likes playing with Daehyun’s Busan dialect. Although Daehyun trying hard to learn the Seoul dialect.
○ Even though Daehyun eats a lot, he is still considered small due to his high metabolic rate.
○ Even though Daehyun may seem talkative, naughty and a prankster, he is actually a gentle person.
○ He likes RnB and Ballad songs.
○ He thinks that duets are fun and he used to practice it often in the academy.
○ When Daehyun doesn’t feel like answering he’ll answer “no comment” and walk away.
○ He is still getting nervous when there are fans around him.
○ He doesn’t like seafood.
○ He has a temper and would often lecture using his Busan accent in the dorm.
○ Although Daehyun always worried about his dark skin, Youngjae thought it was cool and wanted to have Daehyun’s skin.
○ He said that his hidden talent is eating the most yet not growing a single bit of fats.
○ When he was asked what will he bring if he is stuck in an island, Daehyun answered iPod and cheesecake.
Facts about Daehyun:
Daehyun's quotes:
○ "I’m the lead vocal, Daehyun. Other than vocal, I’m also in charge of cleaning the dorm’s toilet." (laugh)
○ “BABYs are like fried tofu , because they go well with bap (rice).”
○ ”We need to do something difficult in order to show the real us.”
○ ”Ever since I was little, I dreamt of marrying early actually. I want to be a young and friendly dad to my kids.”
○ ”If I have a girlfriend, I want to travel with her and see cherry blossoms together with her.”
B.A.P to you is?
>>“The hip is important to a person right? It becomes the center for your top and bottom, and they’re so important that you can’t do anything if they’re hurt. They’re like a ‘hip’ to me.”<<