First time when I saw Gongchan I guess it was on Beautiful Target music video. That time his hair was blonde and I was kind of Jinyoung biased. But when I watched B1A4's Hello Baby I fell for him instantly. ☺
Gong Chan Shik

â—‹ He is the best on math and swimming.
â—‹ He is the 2nd tallest boy among the grup after his hyung, CNU.
â—‹ He doesn't like the subject Science.
â—‹ International fans call Gonchan ''turechan'' because he looks like a turtle to them.
â—‹ He is known for his awkward smile.
○ Whenever Jinyoung would lose something, Gongchan would always be the one to find it. That’s one of the reasons why Gongchan is Jinyoung’s puppy.
â—‹ He is the most excited and noisy to pick an outfit.
â—‹ He gets bullied by other members.
â—‹ He is very stylish.
Facts about Gongchan:
â—‹ Even though Gongchan is the youngest, he takes care of his hyung alot.
â—‹ Besides being a vocal, he is in charge of the looks, cute acts.
â—‹ He is the third member to be recruited after Jinyoung and Baro.
â—‹ When he was new to the group, CNU always scolded and nagged him until he got something right.
â—‹ He thinks of CNU as his mother, Jinyoung as his father and Sandeul,Baro as his siblings.
â—‹ His ideal type is a cute person, cool but does alot of aegyo to him and matches him like bread and butter, someone as SNSD's Yoona.
○ Recently Gongchan’s been losing weight, so his new resolution is to gain some weight.
â—‹ His first perfomance was not as good as he was in his pratices. But then he became good when he see his hyungs putting so much effort.
â—‹ Sandeul's background photo is a photo of Gongchan.
â—‹ He wants to be a proffesional singer who can digest various songs no matter what genre it is.

â—‹ He likes ballad songs.
â—‹ His biggest dream is for everyone in the world to know about B1A4. That's why B1A4 will work hard for everyone.
â—‹ He is also known as a chic-terminator.
â—‹ He has a mature side that comes from being the eldest in his house.
○ He flashed a smile called as ‘shining halo’ by his hyungs.
â—‹ He also has a slightly clumsy appearance.
â—‹ The clothes he wears often, the items he bought recently, and his treasured items are all training suits.
â—‹ He admitted when he was a trainee he was really shy.
â—‹ CNU is also a fan of Gongchan because he looks good in any situation.
○ Out of all the first impressions, Gongchan’s stood out because he’s nothing like what people portray him as.
â—‹ Gongchan is said to look like Jonghyun SHINee, Yonghwa CN Blue, Donghae Super Junior, Dongwoon B2ST, Jonghun FT Island and Kim Soo Hyun.
â—‹ After his debut, he thinks of everything like a dream.
â—‹ If Gongchan was to have a girlfriend he would want her to think of him 100 times a day, have a picture of him in her wallet, and have insiders only they know.
â—‹ He bought a drink one night and put it in the fridge so he could drink in the morning. When he woke up, it was gone. To this day, Gongchan is still trying to find the culprit.

â—‹ He wants to win the rookie award.
â—‹ He has a brother named MinWoo.
â—‹ When they are alone together, CNU and Gongchan are awkward with each other.
○ To the other members, they think Gongchan and Jinyoung look better when they’ve just woken up.
â—‹ He is proud of the song Bling Girl where all the members help out to write the song.
â—‹ He is also interested in writing songs.
â—‹ His favorite song in 'Let's fly' is Only One because it's nearest to his feelings
○ He sang the song ‘OK’ while thinking of a friend that he really liked when he was in school.
â—‹ He has never had a girlfriend.
â—‹ He always plays his ''rifle-gun-shot moves''with his hyungs, but is always ignored becoz he do it too much. Then, Gongchan will get angry and walks funilly (like a baby who just started to walk). That's why his hyungs call him baby.
â—‹ He likes reading French novels.
○ He has the most “secrets".

â—‹ He likes to wear sunglasses because he thinks it makes him cool and high-class.
â—‹ He likes Pororo and Crong alot. (The story: Pororo the little penguin)
â—‹ Baro's first impression to Gongchan is he is a person who makes everyone laugh.
â—‹ He knows a little of English.
○ He’s a fan of YUI (a famous japanese singer) and he even watched her movie ‘Song to the Sun’.
â—‹ His first impression of Sandeul was that he's a good mate.
â—‹ He likes spicy food because when he was younger he would always eat rice and soup together with a lot of spicy seasonings.
○ He has a mole on his right ear that makes it look like he’s wearing an earring from a far.
â—‹ The hyungs say Gongchan's butt is very pretty.
â—‹ He used to listen 'To my mother' by G.O.D a lot.
â—‹ He likes his eyes the most.
â—‹ If they could have a psychic power, Gongchan wanna have the powers to teleport.
○ People opinion about him is that ‘He seem cool and unfriendly at the first sight, but when we really socialize he seem to have a lot of aegyo.'
○ On the morning of Gongchan’s SAT exams, each of the 4 hyungs prepared something for him.
â—‹ When he is at a place with alot of people, he will get nervous and gets stomach ache.
â—‹ He thinks he is best in making a coffee advertisment.
○ During Jinyoung’s birthday, the 4 boys were trying to win Jinyoung’s heart over with aegyo. Gongchan won.
â—‹ His favorite movie is 'Band of Brothers'.
â—‹ He was contracted by Cyworld, because he won the Uzzlang challenge in his Junior Highschool.
○ One time, Gongchan met a 22 year old noona on UFO. He told her to call him oppa, but got “punched".
â—‹ He drinks milk before he goes to bed.
○ He has to have always sweets in his bag because it can replenish energy when he’s tired.
○ He still thinks he can grow taller, that’s why he jumps rope a lot.
â—‹ He was chosen by Jinyoung as the most 'chic' member.
○ No matter what it is, he’ll go and smell it, that's why the other members say he’s like a puppy.
â—‹ Other members were jealous when Baro hugged a girl in the'Only learned bad things' mv but Gongchan wasn't.
â—‹ He likes the colour white because it matches well on him because of his tanned skin.
â—‹ When he was in school, Gongchan was often said he looks like a girl, since then he tried to become more manly.
â—‹ If they were soda flavors Sandeul would be lemon, Jinyoung would be strawberry, CNU would be orange, Baro and Gongchan would be cola.
â—‹ He was very happy when he first received the album 'Let's Fly'.
â—‹ The first thing he does when he wake up is lazing on the bed.
â—‹ If he wouldn't became an idol, he would have go to an university now.

â—‹ His favorite food is cucumber kimchi.
â—‹ He has a fear of heights.
â—‹ He fell on his butt on the first rehearsal for a music program.
â—‹ He choses Baro as the funniest person.
â—‹ He thinks everyone in B1A4 is the same to him.
â—‹ Before debut, Gongchan played a lot of sports.
â—‹ Fans say he look likes Shih-Tzu. (a puppy)
â—‹ He doesn't call Baro as a hyung, but calls him as Baro-ssi.
○ He doesn’t like thinking about death because it makes him sad.
â—‹ If there's a chance, he wants to sing a ballad with Sandeul.
○ He caught Hyunyoung’s heart by showing off his deadly aegyo. (Hello Baby)
â—‹ He likes to do aegyo in front of the camera.
â—‹ A fan accused Gongchan saying he was going through puberty, but Gongchan replied saying he already went through puberty.
○ The members touch Gongchan’s butt a lot.
â—‹ He does 2000 jump ropes a day so he can get abs like his CNU hyung.
â—‹ He has no armpit hair.
â—‹ If there's a chance to switch bodies, he would like to switch with a person who can write good lyrics.
â—‹ During those days when he was a trainee, waking up in the morning was a pain for him.
â—‹ The hyungs thought that Gongchan was cool (chic) when they saw him. He was actually weird.
â—‹ The first play he did in high school, he crossdressed and won 2nd place.
â—‹ He hugged a girl in his school when she was crying and said, ''if you're crying and sad, it makes me sad too''.
â—‹ He likes the word ''karaii'' which means spicy in japanese.
â—‹ He was in a drama club when he was in junior high.
○ When Gongchan was filming for the main role for his friend’s movie, the other 4 members came and helped around with the staff. This made Gongchan tear up.
â—‹ He is a fan of Donghae, Super Junior.
â—‹ He likes the song Mirotic. (TVXQ)
â—‹ He went to TVXQ's concert before because his friends gave him a ticket.
â—‹ He loves zombies and shooting movies. This explains why he loves pretending shooting his hyungs and sometimes his fans.
â—‹ CNU said that if Gongchan cross-dressed he would be extremely pretty because of his big eyes and sharp nose.
○ When a fan said her mom thought Gongchan was sexy he replied, “How sexy?"
â—‹ His nickname is Crong (crocodile character from Pororo the Little Penguin), Puppy or Gongchannie.
○ When Jinyoung met Gongchan for the first time, he was scared of him because of the ‘cool’ aura he was giving off. When they got to know each other, he realised Gongchan was a person full of aegyo.
â—‹ Since he loves reading Japanese manga, he has the best Japanese pronounciation .
â—‹ He confessed that he never kissed a girl. (All The Kpop)
â—‹ His favorite son in 'it B1A4' is Wonderful Tonight.
â—‹ His ideal type of son is Baro.

○ ‘Since we gathered as B1A4, let’s make achieve our goals and say fighting while going to the end!’
○ 'To those who love us, our goal is to make good music and produce a wonderful stage. If given the chance, we’d like to try acting as well.'
○ 'Never forget your heart’s initial desires.'
○ 'Everytime I am on stage, I pledge to ‘work harder to show a more developed image!’. During our debut stage, I got nervous thinking ‘we are finally going on stage’ but even now, I don’t forgot that feeling of nervousness during our debut and perform like it’s our first, to show a better performance. Please anticipate our performances.'
○ 'I want to hurry and try having our own concert. It’s the goal I want to achieve the most as B1A4. My largest goal is for people around the whole world to know about us. So we should do our best to that point, right? We’ll work hard to not disappoint and will show sides of ourselves that satisfy your anticipation.'
â—‹ 'Be Positive. Always look on the bright side.'
Gongchan's quotes:
B1A4 to you is?
>>''A family.''<<